pain treatment

Phantom Limb Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Phantom limb pain (PLP) is described as mild to extreme pain in an amputated limb. It was previously thought as a psychological response of patients who underwent amputation, but recent studies reveal scientific evidence of pain sensation that originates from the brain and spinal cord. Although phantom limb pain is often seen in patients with […]

Chronic Pain Conditions

Short Circuit Chronic Pain with Technology

More than 100 million people in the United States have chronic conditions that won’t go away. Many fail to get relief from pills, shots and surgery, while others trade the sensation for unwanted side effects. These side effects can include such things as drowsiness or digestive problems. Unfortunately, too many can become addicted to medications

Chronic Pain Conditions, Chronic Pain News

Sciatica: Hitting the right nerves 

Sciatica symptoms explain conditions around the sciatic nerve A lot of people have their lives badly affected by sciatica. Like most other conditions, you can deal with sciatica effectively with a well planned and structured exercises program. But before we go into details of specific sciatica exercises, it is first important to explain what sciatica

Chronic Pain Conditions, Nerve Pain

Chronic Nerve Pain Linked to Anxiety & Depression

Study links brain inflammation triggered by chronic paint to anxiety and depression. Brain inflammation caused by chronic nerve pain alters activity in regions that regulate mood and motivation, suggesting for the first time that a direct biophysical link exists between long-term pain and the depression, anxiety and substance abuse seen in more than half of these patients, UC Irvine

Nerve Pain
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