Nerve Pain Fighting Research

Phantom limb pain is the perception of pain or feeling a missing limb after amputation, and it relatively common. Currently it is unknown byresearchers if the effect initiates from the nervous system or is psychological. But research on regenerative targeted muscle reinnervation techniques could soon change how phantom limb pain is treated. Regenerative targeted muscle […]

Chronic Pain News, Therapies & Treatments

Piriformis Muscle Stretches

The piriformis muscle may not receive the same attention during workouts as glutes, abs, and biceps; but is one of the most important muscles for those with low back pain, including sciatica. Its name means “pear shaped,” the piriformis is a band of muscle in the lower back, and the sciatic nerve runs all the

Lifestyle Tips for Chronic Pain, Therapies & Treatments

Exercising with Arthritis

Exercising with arthritis can help reduce stiffness and improve joint mobility. High impact exercises can exacerbate the condition, so low impact gentle exercises Arthritis can result in impaired coordination and poor posture, and it also affects balance. Exercising can help improve overall body functioning and can help improve reduce risk of falling. Exercising with arthritis

Chronic Pain Conditions, Lifestyle Tips for Chronic Pain, Therapies & Treatments

Myofascial Pain What to Know

Skeletal muscles primarily function our way of moving by attaching to other muscles and joints. When those muscles get knotted up, like when you sleep on your neck wrong, or have a back spasm, trigger points develop causing the muscle to shorten and become dysfunctional. Myofasical trigger points prevent normal muscle function, not allowing the

Chronic Pain Conditions, Nerve Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Should pain, stiffness, weakness, and loss of range of motion are all common symptoms of rotator cuff injuries. People with rotator cuff injuries sight pain, especially at night, as a symptom. Movement of the arm over the head, or reaching behind the back could cause pain as well. Patients report feeling the most stiffness in

Chronic Pain Conditions

Heat Therapy for Chronic pain

Simple remedies are often the best Those remedies your mom tells you to try, you know the ones.“Put your foot up. Ice it. Use the heating pad.” Can often be the best at relieving lower back pain. Heat therapy is one of those mother approved pain relief therapies. Using heat therapy to relieve lower back

Lifestyle Tips for Chronic Pain, Therapies & Treatments

Exercise Ball Therapy for Lower Back Pain

The exercise ball therapy is an exercise treatment option for back pain sufferers and is designed to help prevent or minimize further episodes of low back pain as part of a rehabilitation program. The exercise ball is effective in rehabilitation of the back because it strengthens and develops the core body muscles that help to stabilize the spine.

Chronic Pain Conditions, Therapies & Treatments

PRP Therapy for Arthritis

Platelet-rich plasma therapy, sometimes called PRP therapy or autologous conditioned plasma (ACP) therapy, attempts to take advantage of the blood’s natural healing properties to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, or even bone. Although not considered standard practice, a growing number of people are turning to PRP injections to treat an expanding list of orthopedic

Regenerative medicine, Therapies & Treatments
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