Skin Cells may help repair MS damage

A personalized treatment for multiple sclerosis may be one step closer, thanks to a new study that reveals how a person's own skin cells could be used to repair the nerve damage that the disease causes. Led by scientists at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, the study took skin cells from adult mice with multiple sclerosis (MS) and then reprogramed them into neural stem cells (NSCs). These "induced neural stem cells" (iNSCs) were transplanted into the rodents' cerebrospinal fluid. There, they reduced inflammation and repaired damage to the central nervous system (CNS). Lead study author Dr. Stefano Pluchino, of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at…
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The Pain Signal Effect and the Body’s Response

Pain sends a signal that the body needs protection and healing. However, if the physiological changes triggered by it persists, harm will ensue, and acute pain may become chronic. So pain signal must be contained and/or relieved. The mechanisms through which pain interacts with the body provide health professionals with various routes of entry and intervention modes. This article discusses the intricacies of the adaptive response to pain and how they can be used to combat it. Citation: Swift A (2018) Understanding pain and the human body’s response to it. Nursing Times[online]; 114: 3, 22-26 Author: Amelia Swift is senior lecturer in nursing,…
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Radiculopathy is a medical term used to depict certain issues initiating in the spinal region, at the area of the nerve roots. It is a condition, which is a consequence of the pressure that is being begun from the herniated plate. However, there can be any other different cause to it. The pressure applied by the degenerative changes in the spine can likewise prompt pain in the back. These progressions prompt aggravation and bothering in the underlying foundations (roots) of the nerves. The nerves that are normally influenced by this issue are the sensory nerve. Thus, therefore, those muscles that…
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