Nerve Pain Fighting Research

Phantom limb pain is the perception of pain or feeling a missing limb after amputation, and it relatively common. Currently it is unknown byresearchers if the effect initiates from the nervous system or is psychological. But research on regenerative targeted muscle reinnervation techniques could soon change how phantom limb pain is treated. Regenerative targeted muscle reinnervation is a new technique being used to treat phantom limb pain. A study from the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State and the College of Medicine focuses on improving patient care by stopping phantom limb pain before it begins. Dr. Ian Valerio, who is…
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Phantom Limb Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Phantom limb pain (PLP) is described as mild to extreme pain in an amputated limb. It was previously thought as a psychological response of patients who underwent amputation, but recent studies reveal scientific evidence of pain sensation that originates from the brain and spinal cord. Although phantom limb pain is often seen in patients with amputated limbs, other individuals who underwent surgical removal of other body parts, such as eye, penis, and breast also complain of the pain sensation. What Are The Causes Phantom Limb Pain? Even if the limb is no longer present, the nerve endings found at the…
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