neuropathy symptoms

Autonomic neuropathy in diabetic neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy in diabetic neuropathy has an effect on hypoglycemia symptoms. Autonomic neuropathy is when the nerves that control bodily functions become damaged. Blood pressure, temperature control, digestion, bladder function and sexual function can all be affected by autonomic neuropathy. Normally, nerves send messages to the brain and other organs to ensure they function properly. […]

Chronic Pain Conditions, Nerve Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy, Therapies & Treatments

What is Peripheral Neuropathy

Think of peripheral neuropathy like static on a telephone line, both interrupt the sending of information. Peripheral neuropathy is a result of nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. This damage causing a disruption of information from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body. It can occur following traumatic injuries, infections,

Nerve Pain
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