Substance P: new chemical capable of controlling pain

Recently scientists have found a substance that activates pain along the central nervous system. This substance is also able to decrease pain in the peripheral nervous system.

Nerve cells, image. Substance P is synthesized in all of the nervesIt was named Substance P. And may be the reason many pain management drugs appear to be successful amid laboratory tests. As well as unsatisfactory in real-life circumstances. The study was published in the journal Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, on June 15. Explaining how scientists from Hebei Medical University, and the University of Leeds came across Substance P. It is a peptide that promotes pain responses of different kinds through the nervous system.

Substance P controls pain

Substance P is synthesized in all of the nerves that send signals from and towards the brain and the spinal cord. The peptide desensitizes nerve cells, which causes a reduction of pain when it acts in the peripheral nervous system. In contrast, it stimulates neurons and causes a more elevated response towards pain, when it is found in the central nervous system.

Lead researcher, Professor Nikita Gamper from the University of Leeds, said previous investigations indicated that Substance P always promoted pain. Now it seems that its function depends on the nervous system in which it is found. Whether it is in the central or peripheral nervous system. It can also act as a painkiller when found in the peripheral nervous system.


“This means that when drugs were used in trials to suppress Substance P’s action in the central nervous system, they may have also prevented it from acting as a painkiller in the peripheral system. So, although the drugs looked like they worked in the lab when they moved to clinical trials, they failed,” stated Gamper to eScienceNews.


Substance P: how it works

The zinc on neurons reduces neural responses. It makes certain proteins very sensitive to zinc, which in part are in charge of allowing neurons to sense pain.

Gamper noted that understanding how Substance P works would allow doctors to prescribe drugs that are much more effective. As well as drugs that are less dangerous than most existing painkillers like morphine. The latter might cause addiction in most patients.

By: Daniel Francis


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