For people with diabetes, the needle-based therapy known as acupuncture may offer a number of health benefits. Some research shows that acupuncture may help control diabetes by treating insulin resistance, while other studies indicate that this long-practiced form of traditional Chinese medicine may help protect against certain complications commonly linked to diabetes.
Acupuncture and Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance occurs when your body fails to use insulin effectively.
A hormone produced by the pancreas, insulin is responsible for helping your cells take in glucose (i.e., blood sugar) and use it for energy. In cases of insulin resistance, the cells have trouble absorbing glucose, which causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream and reach the abnormally high levels associated with diabetes.
A hallmark of both diabetes and heart disease, insulin resistance appears to result from factors like excess weight, lack of physical activity, sleep problems, and smoking. While lifestyle changes such as following a healthy diet and exercising regularly are essential for fighting insulin resistance, some proponents suggest that acupuncture can further help improve insulin sensitivity (a measure of the body’s ability to use insulin efficiently).
Although research on acupuncture’s effectiveness in the treatment of insulin resistance is fairly limited, there’s some evidence that it may help treat this condition and enhance health in diabetes patients.
In a 2010 report from Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, for instance, scientists analyzed previously published research on acupuncture and insulin resistance and found some preliminary evidence that the therapy has the potential to improve insulin sensitivity.
However, the report’s authors also note that more research is needed to determine whether acupuncture might serve as an effective treatment for insulin resistance.
Updated 12/07/2017
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